There are three ways to get rich You can steal, you can get lucky or you can do it the hard and slow way, by working. It is the third route that provides the surest path to financial comfort for most people. You may find yourself having to work hard to maintain or increase the value of your wealth in an acceptable fashion, but if you want a clear conscience, you will have to put your intelligence, skills, muscle-power and time into harness.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
There are three ways to get rich.
A dozen golden eggs - Times Online
There are three ways to get rich You can steal, you can get lucky or you can do it the hard and slow way, by working. It is the third route that provides the surest path to financial comfort for most people. You may find yourself having to work hard to maintain or increase the value of your wealth in an acceptable fashion, but if you want a clear conscience, you will have to put your intelligence, skills, muscle-power and time into harness.
There are three ways to get rich You can steal, you can get lucky or you can do it the hard and slow way, by working. It is the third route that provides the surest path to financial comfort for most people. You may find yourself having to work hard to maintain or increase the value of your wealth in an acceptable fashion, but if you want a clear conscience, you will have to put your intelligence, skills, muscle-power and time into harness.
...spirits have been destroyed.
Movie Fast Food Nation (2006)
It's a long way from the Southern California boardroom to the immigrant slaughterhouses, he begins to realize just how dangerous convenience can become when it leads to blissfully ignorant complacency. But the shocks that count in Fast Food Nation aren't on the gut line. They're in the faces of people whose spirits have been destroyed in the name of good business.
One manifestation of conformism emerges in the practice of "going along and getting along" with people who appear to be more powerful.
Конформизм – это изменение поведения или убеждений в результате реального или воображаемого давления группы.
Fast Food Nation Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

It's a long way from the Southern California boardroom to the immigrant slaughterhouses, he begins to realize just how dangerous convenience can become when it leads to blissfully ignorant complacency. But the shocks that count in Fast Food Nation aren't on the gut line. They're in the faces of people whose spirits have been destroyed in the name of good business.
One manifestation of conformism emerges in the practice of "going along and getting along" with people who appear to be more powerful.
Конформизм – это изменение поведения или убеждений в результате реального или воображаемого давления группы.
Fast Food Nation Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes
I was happy.
Movie Happy-Go-Lucky (2008)
I was, like, "I haven't got a boyfriend.
I won't be getting married soon, and, no, I won't be investing in a mortgage in the near future, thank you very much. "
Are you happy... in your life?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Lessons in life from the over-sixties.

The pearl: “Choosing to live in another country means accepting the rules in place there. Assimilate yourself first. Changing their world can wait until another day.”
Выбор жить в другой стране означает принятие местных правил. Интегрируйте себя в первую очередь. Изменение их мира может подождать до следующего дня.
лат. assimilatio - слияние, уподобление, усвоение.

Sunday, March 14, 2010
'Следовательно, источник великой добродетели для умудренного разума в том, чтобы понемножку учиться и для начала изменить свой взгляд на вещи незримые и преходящие, для того чтобы потом разум сумел вовсе оставить их позади. Человек, которому мила его родина, покамест незрелый новичок; тот, кому любая земля как родная, уже силен; но совершенен лишь тот, кому весь мир — чужбина. Незрелая душа уцепилась своей любовью за один-единственный уголок мира; сильный человек объял своей любовью все места; а совершенный человек свою любовь умертвил.'
Гуго Сен-Викторский (Hugues de Saint-Victor) (1096/97 — 1141) — французский философ, богослов, педагог. Родился во Фландрии,автор многочисленных богословских и дидактических трактатов.
Гуго Сен-Викторский (Hugues de Saint-Victor) (1096/97 — 1141) — французский философ, богослов, педагог. Родился во Фландрии,автор многочисленных богословских и дидактических трактатов.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
'It's about singing, not being famous' Bonnie Tyler
Who wants to be good? The McLaren file
'Best of Times, Worst of Times' Lady Annabel Goldsmith
From The Sunday Times
November 1, 2009
Too wild to live
The matriarch of one of Britain’s most colourful families, recalls her beloved first-born son, Rupert, and his disappearance in treacherous seas off Africa
Annabel Goldsmith
Sunday, March 7, 2010
'Most Read' stories.
Should Carla Bruni have worn a bra? Here!
Surely scaffolding should only be used when it's needed (and she doesn't need it)...
Surely scaffolding should only be used when it's needed (and she doesn't need it)...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Problems with alcohol and drugs
A laugh a minute? Life with Billy Connolly Pamela Stephenson
"Can you tell us about Billy's problems with alcohol and drugs and how you helped him?
"Can you tell us about Billy's problems with alcohol and drugs and how you helped him?
PS: Billy was extremely famous in Scotland, and you know what happens, especially with people who don't think they are very worthy. As with Billy, they don't handle fame because they don't feel they deserve it and they'll turn to alcohol and drugs.
It became very serious and by the time I met him he was on a very self-destructive path. At first, that was appealing to me, but later I realized I can't be with somebody like that because I don't want to watch him destroy himself. I didn't tell him, "You've gotta clean up your act," I just said I can't deal with this. I discovered you can't make anyone stop drinking or stop taking drugs, you have to just protect yourself and if they want to jump on the good train, they will. Fortunately it worked."
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