Walt Disney flew out to visit with her.
He gently confronted her, saying:
“I’ve come because you misjudged me. You expected me to disappoint you, so you made sure I did. I think life disappoints you. Mary Poppins is the only person who doesn’t disappoint you.”
he told the painful story, he talked about change. “I’m tired of remembering it that way. Don’t you want to let it all go? Don’t you want to rewrite the tale and let it all go? Forgiveness, Mrs. Travers, is what I learned from those books.” (He’s talking about Mrs. Travers’ books.) “George Banks will be redeemed. George Banks and all he stood for will be redeemed, because that’s what we storytellers do…we restore hope.”
Forgiveness. Redemption. Taking the hard, the ugly, the pain of the past and making something beautiful of it all—this is what Walt and Mrs. Travers both wanted to do with their stories.
Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson Discuss ‘Saving Mr. Banks’.
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