I have drunk it it's delicious.
I don't care whether he leads in the polls...I don't care whether he has all the tools...
Because the truth is, he's the only one that's going to make a difference in peoples lives...
Even the people that hate him.
If Mike Morris is President it says more about us than it does about him.
I don't give a fuck if he can win.
He has to win.
Or what?
The world will fall apart?
It won't matter...
Not one bit to the everyday lives of everyday fuckers who work and eat and sleep and get up and go back to work again.
If your boy wins...
You get a job in the white house...
If he loses you're back at a consulting firm on K Street...
That's it.
You used to know that before you got all goosebumpy about this guy.
Morris is a politician...
He's a nice guy...
They're all nice guys.
..."beware the Ides of March" is a proverb that really is just a warning of impending danger.
Ryan is ultimately faced with two choices.
Either he packs his bags, goes on vacation and mass blasts resumes to overpriced consulting firms or he conforms.
The way I see it, he does the latter.
Ryan's character had an epiphany and decided to turn the political world on its head, I just don't see it.
This movie was about the disintegration of idealism and not the other way around.
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