First, name your blog. It does not have to be short, but exercise that creative muscle and come up with something easy to spell and easy to remember.
When you first start writing, you do not have to aim for anything too ambitious, just a paragraph or two and hit "publish".
If you want to be a bit more dynamic, you can insert pictures or other media by clicking on "add image" in Blogger or "upload/insert" in WordPress.
Now it is time to make friends in the blogging community. Leave comments on other people's blogs, and they might pop over to check you out.
You can allow people to add comments on your work, and moderate or "pass or fail" them. Do not feel bad about blocking something inappropriate.
"Don't be disappointed if people don't come in their droves to read your blog straight away," says blogger Clare English.
"Try to post fairly consistently and fairly regularly, so once a day or once a week or even once a month. Just try to set the standard so your blog readers will know when to come back and enjoy your content," says Andy Bargery."
BBC News - Click Essentials: Blogging