Thursday, March 28, 2019

How the UK lost Brexit battle.

- How the UK lost Brexit battle – POLITICO

I think it is pretty much all over, except for the shouting.
With yesterdays indicative votes in the HoC, my personal belief is that we’ll end up in a no-deal Brexit.
There is no clear road forward. TM’s deal is dead. Only two options remain, no-deal or an extension.

An extension would require elections to the EP.
Those elections would automatically turn into something akin to a put-it-to-the-people-vote, something the Brexiteers cannot/will not allow.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The 10 Best Haruki Murakami Books

The 10 Best Haruki Murakami Books

Mozart. Requiem. Conductor Theodore Curentis.

- Mozart. Requiem. Conductor Theodore Curentis. Concert in Moscow on June 17, 2017. - YouTube
Аудио-запись концерта в Московской филармонии 17 июня 2017 года. (любительская, часть сносная, часть хорошая)
Уникальность именно этого исполнения несомненна. Даже в Зальцбурге, месяцем позже, не было такого космического темпа и Света.
И еще в Зальцбурге не было нового речитатива.
на 41 мин.18 сек.
Lacrimosa dies illa - на 20 мин.50 сек.
Финальная фуга - на 46 мин.48 сек.
(Использованы фотографии концерта в июне 2017.)
Audio recording of the concert at the Moscow Philharmonic on June 17, 2017. (amateur, part tolerable, part good)
The uniqueness of this particular performance is beyond doubt.
Even in Salzburg, a month later, there was no such cosmic pace and Light.
And in Salzburg there was no new recitative.
for 41 min. 18 sec.
Lacrimosa dies illa - for 20 min.50 sec.
The final fugue - for 46 min.48 seconds.
(Photos of the concert were used in June.)