Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Wisdom of Living for Today.

The Wisdom of Living for Today | Insights and Observations: Critical Meditations:
‘Yesterday is a story that has already been told. The book is closed.’ How true!
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Monday, November 18, 2013

Суровые русские

Суровые русские:

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Крик души Михаила Жванецкого

Крик души Михаила Жванецкого:

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Джереми Кларксон о русских

Джереми Кларксон о русских:
As Russians say, manners maketh the British late.
Джереми Кларксон о русских
И о том, почему вредно быть чересчур вежливым.

As Russians say, manners maketh the British late | The Sunday Times

As Russians say, manners maketh the British late | The Sunday Times:
As Russians say, manners maketh the British late
Published: 3 March 2013

Time. It’s now so precious that we will happily spend an absolute fortune making all the things we do faster, simply so we have time to do more things.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kurt Vonnegut’s Letters .

Kurt Vonnegut’s Letters -

By then he certainly was sad a lot of the time, I now know from reading KURT VONNEGUT: LETTERS (Delacorte, $35), splendidly assembled and edited by Dan Wakefield.
Sad that his stereotypical midlife abandonment of a pre-fame life (Cape Cod, wife of 25 years, Saab) for a fab new lifestyle (Manhattan, woman 17 years younger, a Mercedes) hadn’t turned out swell.
Sad that by his own estimation he’d already written his best books, and that two of the last three were subpar. Sad to discover that the blues were his lot; at one point, a bit later in life, he would attempt suicide. Even at the peak of stardom, four years post-“Slaughterhouse-Five,” he wrote to his former student Gail Godwin that the “past four years have been mean buggers for me.”
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Gifts of Writing

LLH DESIGNS: The Gifts of Writing:

 "I realize blog writing isn't for everyone.
It's public, time consuming and leaves you feeling over exposed at times. {Not to mention the crazy ways it can feed self-importance and insecurity if your heart isn't in the right place.} But there are gifts in the midst. {I met one today. Deana, you're a gem!}
 For every post I've written, I've also had thoughts of never writing on the internet again. But then a little nudge or word of encouragement comes my way. A reminder that my small voice might have a greater purpose. Because God is doing something bigger than me. Bigger than my blog. He's speaking to people's hearts. And sometimes, He uses the words I write to do it. {Talk about humbling.} 
 Perhaps your voice is needed in blog world? Whether you author a blog or leave words of encouragement in the form of comments, your words can be part of a greater purpose. "

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The Only Surviving Recording of Virginia Woolf’s Voice, 1937.

On Craftsmanship: The Only Surviving Recording of Virginia Woolf’s Voice, 1937 | Brain Pickings: " The Only Surviving Recording of Virginia Woolf’s Voice, 1937"

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Monday, November 11, 2013

The Beloved Author’s Advice to His Children.

Happy Birthday, Kurt Vonnegut: The Beloved Author’s Advice to His Children | Brain Pickings:
В 1957 году умирает отец писателя. Менее чем через год сестра Курта Воннегута Алиса умерла от рака. Трагизм ситуации был усугублен тем, что за два дня до ее смерти в железнодорожной катастрофе погиб ее муж Джеймс Адамс, который ехал в госпиталь проведать свою умирающую супругу. После их смерти осталось четверо несовершеннолетних детей. Троих из них, Джеймса, Стивена и Курта, усыновил Воннегут.
Кроме того, его собственные трое детей - Нанетт, Марк, и Эдит - Воннегута и его первой жены Джейн.
Позднее он принял еще одну дочь - дочь второй жены, Джилл.

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Kurt Vonnegut.

"So it goes."
from Vonnegut's classic Slaughterhouse-Five
"Shit happens, and it's awful, but it's also okay.
We deal with it because we have to."
That's the way things are.

"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand."

from Cat's Cradle and the Bokononist religion
Man's just another animal, it implies, with his own peculiar instincts, and his own way of shutting them down.
This is horrifically cynical when considered closely: If people deciding they understand the world is just another instinct, then enlightenment is little more than a pit-stop between insoluble questions, a necessary but ultimately meaningless way of taking a sanity break. At the same time, there's a kindness to Bokonon's belief that this is all inevitable and just part of being a person. Life is frustrating and full of pitfalls and dead ends, but everybody's gotta do it.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Robert Downey Jr. and Sting sing “Driven to Tears” .

Robert Downey Jr. and Sting sing “Driven to Tears” at Beacon Theatre | Unified Pop Theory:

"Driven To Tears"

How can you say that you're not responsible?
What does it have to do with me?
What is my reaction, what should it be?
Confronted by this latest atrocity

Driven to tears

Hide my face in my hands, shame wells in my throat
My comfortable existance is reduced to a shallow meaningless party
Seems that when some innocent die
All we can offer them is a page in a some magazine
Too many cameras and not enough food
'Cos this is what we've seen

Driven to tears

Protest is futile, nothing seems to get through
What's to become of our world, who knows what to do

Driven to tears

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