Monday, February 19, 2018
Joseph Brodsky. Try to respect life. From "On Grief and Reason."
- Speech at the stadium
Speech at the stadium
Author: Joseph Brodsky
Source: Internet resource
"Life is a game with many rules, but without the referee. We learn how to play it, rather watching her, rather than coping in a book, including the Holy Scriptures. It is therefore not surprising that so many people play fair, so few win, so many lose.
In any case, if this place is the University of Michigan, Ann arbor, Michigan, that I remember, one can safely assume that you, its graduates, even fewer are familiar with the Scripture, than those who was sitting at the stands, say, sixteen years ago, when I dared to tread on this field for the first time.
For my eyes, ears and nose, and this place still Ann arbor; it is blue - or seems to be blue - as Ann arbor; it smells like Ann arbor (though I must admit that in the air now less of marijuana than it did before, and this for a moment plunges into embarrassed by their old annarbortsa). Thus, it looks Ann Arborom, where I spent part of my life - the best of, I think, of where sixteen years ago, your predecessors knew almost nothing about the Bible.
When I think of my colleagues as I am aware of what is happening with the University's educational programs throughout the country, when I am aware of the pressure that the so-called modern world has on the people, I feel nostalgic for those who were sitting in your chairs dozen or so years ago, because some of them at least could quote the ten commandments, and some even remember the names of the seven deadly sins. But stewardship of these precious knowledge and subsequently how succeeded in the game, I have no idea. I can only hope that eventually people richer, if he follows the rules and taboos, established someone completely inaccessible to touch, and not only criminal code.
As you likely early to summarize and because prosperity and a decent environment - something that you seem to strive, to you it wouldn't hurt to learn these commandments and the list of sins. A total of seventeen, and some of them overlap. Of course, you can argue that they belong to a creed, with a significant tradition of violence. All the same, if we talk about beliefs, this seems to be the most tolerant; she deserves your consideration if only because that has spawned a society in which you have a right to question or deny it all value.
But I'm not here to extol the virtues of a particular faith or philosophy, and I don't get pleasure, as, probably, many of the opportunities subjected modern education system, or you, the alleged victims. First, I don't think of you as such. Secondly, in certain areas of your knowledge immeasurably more than I or any member of my generation. I see you as a group of young rationally selfish shower on the eve of the very long journey. I shudder at the thought of his length and ask myself than I could be useful to you. Whether I know something about life that could help you or have meaning to you, and if I know something, is there a way to pass this information to you?
The answer to the first question, I think, «Yes» - not so much because of the person of my age are supposed to be more crafty than any of you in chess existence, but because it is likely tired from the mass of things to which you only want. (One this fatigue is something that the young should be warned as the concomitant precincts and their complete success, and their destruction; this kind of knowledge can increase the pleasure from the first, and brighten up the latter.) Regarding the second issue, I, to tell the truth, in a quandary. An example of the above commandments may be confused about any naputstvuyuschego speaker, for they themselves were the ten commandments commencement speech, literally - zapovedaniem. But between generations there is a transparent wall, the iron curtain irony, if you will, visible through the veil, do not transmit almost no experience. In the best case, separate councils.
So consider what you are about to hear, just as tips tops of several of the iceberg, so to say, not to mount Sinai. I don't Moses, you're also not the old Testament Jews; these are some random sketches, scrawled in a yellow Notepad somewhere in California, not tablets. Ignore them, if you like, put them to a question if you want, forget them, if otherwise may not: there is nothing in them mandatory. If some of them now or in the future is useful to you, I'll be happy. If not, my anger will overtake you.
1. And now and in the future I think is reasonable to concentrate on the accuracy of your language. Try to broaden your vocabulary and to treat it just as you treat your Bank account. Give him a lot of attention and try to increase their dividends. The goal here is not to help you and your eloquence in the bedroom or professional success - although subsequently possible and it is - and is not to turn you into a secular clever. The goal is to give you the opportunity to Express themselves as much as possible and accurately; in short, the goal is your balance. For accumulation nevigovorennogo, undisclosed potentialities properly can lead to neurosis. Every day in the soul of man is changing a lot, but a way of expressing often remains the same. The ability to speak behind the experience. This adversely affects the psyche. Feelings, shades, thoughts that remain anonymous, neproiznesennimi and not content priblizitelnostyu wording accumulate within the individual, and can lead to psychological explosion or breakdown. To avoid this, do not necessarily turn into a book worm. You just buy a dictionary and read it every day, and sometimes - and the book of poems. Dictionaries, however, are of primary importance. A lot of them around; some attached magnifier. They are cheap enough, but even the most expensive among them (equipped with a magnifying glass) cost much less than one visit to a psychiatrist. If you're going to visit a psychiatrist, treat the symptoms of the vocabulary of alcoholism.
2. And now and in the future try to be kind to his parents. If this sounds too much like «Honour thy father and thy mother,» well. I only want to say: try not to revolt against them, for, in all probability, they will die before you, so that you can save yourself at least from this source of guilt, if not grief. If you need to rebel, buntuyte against those who are not so easily vulnerable. Parents too close to the target (as, however, as brothers, sisters, wives or husbands); the distance is such that you cannot miss. Rebellion against parents, with all its I-not-take-do-you-not-penny essentially extremely bourgeois thing, because it gives buntovschiku greatest satisfaction, in this case, for the satisfaction of spiritual, given by the conviction. The later you stand on this path, the later you will become a spiritual bourgeois; that is, the longer you will remain skeptical, doubtful, intellectually dissatisfied, the better for you. On the other hand, of course, this event not-take-no-penny has practical implications because your parents likely will all that they have, you and the lucky rebel eventually will get all - in other words, rebellion is a very effective form of savings. Although the percentage of unprofitable; and I would say, leads to bankruptcy.
3. Try not to rely too much on the politicians - not so much because they neumni or dishonest, as often happens, but due to the scale of their work that is too large for even the best among them, - on one or another political party, doctrine, or their projects. They can at best reduce the social evil, but not eliminate it. What would any significant improvement from the ethical point of view, it will always be negligible, because there is always at least one person who will not benefit from this improvement. The world is imperfect; Golden age never was and never will be. The only thing that will happen with the world, he will be more, i.e. crowded, not increasing in size. No matter how fair the man whom you choose, or promises to divide the pie, it will not increase in size; portions will certainly become smaller. In light of this - or rather in the dark - you must rely on your own homemade Fudge, i.e. rule the world by yourself - at least that part, which is available to you and is within your reach. However, by doing so, you also must prepare for the sorrowful realization that even your own pie is not enough; you must prepare for the fact that you likely have to enjoy equally and gratitude and frustration. Here the most difficult lesson for assimilation is not to lose your zeal in the kitchen, for, having made this cake at least once, you create a lot of expectations. Ask yourself the forces whether you are such a trouble-free delivery of cakes, or are you more count on politicians? Whatever the outcome of this introspection - can the world rely on your cakes? - begin now insist that all these corporations, banks, schools, laboratories, or where you will work, and whose premises are heated and guarded by the police around the clock, let homeless people on the night, but now, when winter.
4. Try not to stand out, try to be modest. Now we have too much, and very soon will be many more. This is scrambling for a place under the sun necessarily occur at the expense of others, who will not climb. What you have to step on someone's foot, does not mean that you have to stand on their shoulders.Besides, everything that you will see from this point - the human sea plus those, who like you took a similar position - an important, but very unreliable: those who are called rich and famous. Actually, there's always something unpleasant to be more happy you like, especially when these similar billions. It should be added that the rich and famous in our days, too, the crowd and that there very closely. So, if you want to become rich or famous, or both, in a good hour, but do not give it altogether. Craving for something that has someone else, means the loss of their own uniqueness; on the other hand, it is, of course, stimulates mass production. But, since you live life once, it would be wise to avoid the most obvious cliches, including gift editions. The consciousness of self-exclusiveness, keep in mind, also undermines your uniqueness, not to mention the fact that it narrows your sense of reality to what has already been achieved. Pushed among those who, given their income and appearance, is - at least theoretically - unlimited potential, much better than membership in any club. Try to be more like them than those who are nothing like them; try to wear gray. Mimicry is the protection of individuality, not abandoning it. I'd advise you to also speak softly, but I'm afraid you'll think that I have gone too far. However, remember that next to you and is always someone that is: the middle. No one asks you to love him, but try not to disturb him too and do not hurt him; try to attack him on his feet carefully, and, if it happens that you will want his wife, remember at least that is evidence of a lack of your imagination, your unbelief in the endless possibilities of life, or their ignorance. At worst, try to remember what far - from the stars, from the depths of the universe, perhaps, with its opposite end has come, please do not do this, as well as the idea of " love thy friend as thyself. Apparently, the stars know more about the force of gravity, and also of loneliness than you; for they are the eyes of desire.
5. To avoid to attribute the status of the victim. From all parts of the body most vigilantly monitor your index finger, because he wants to convict. Pointing the finger is the sign of the victim - as opposed raised in the sign of Victoria middle him and index fingers he is a synonym of surrender. No matter how ugly your position, try not to blame the external forces: history, state authorities, race, parents, phase of the moon, childhood, late planting pot and so on. The menu is extensive and boring, and its vastness and boredom quite offensive to restore mind to use it. At the moment, when you lay the blame on something, you undermine your own determination to change something; you can even argued that is athirst of conviction finger torn so furiously, because this determination was not hard enough. Finally, the status of the victim is not deprived of its appeal. He sympathy, confers honours, and whole countries and continents luxuriate in the gloom mental discounts, doctrines or as a victim consciousness. There is a whole culture of the victim, stretching from personal advocates to international loans. Despite the declared aim of this system, the net result of its activities is the deliberate reduction expectations when pitiful advantage is perceived or declares major achievement. Of course, this terapevtichno and, given the dearth of world resources, perhaps even hygienic, so for lack of a better material can be satisfied with this - but try to resist. Whatever comprehensive and undeniable nor was evidence of your loss, deny it, as long as your mind when you, as long as your lips they can say «no». In General, try to be respectful of life not only for her beauty but for her difficulties. They are part of the game, and the fact that they are not tricked. Whenever you're desperate or on the verge of despair, when you're in trouble or difficulty, remember: it's life speaks with you on the unity given her well known language. In other words, try to be a little mazohistami: without the taste of masochism meaning of life is incomplete. If you somehow help, try to remember that human dignity is the notion of absolute, not bartering in marriage; that it is incompatible with special requests that it keeps on denying the obvious. If you find this argument somewhat reckless, think, at least that, considering himself a victim, you only increase the vacuum irresponsibility, who are so fond fill out demons and demagogues, for the paralyzed will - not the joy of the angels.
6. A world in which you are going to join, has a good reputation. He better geographical, rather than from a historical point of view; it is still much better visually, rather than social. This is not a nice place, you'll soon find, and I doubt that it will become much more pleasant by the time you leave it. However, this is the only world, available: there is no alternative, and if they did, there is no guarantee that it would be much better than this. Outside is a jungle and desert, slippery slope, swamp, etc. - literally - but, worse, and metaphorically. However, as Robert frost: «the Best solution is always thoroughly». And he also said, however, in another poem that «to live in society, to forgive». A few remarks about this matter passing through I'd like to finish.
Try not to pay attention to those who try to make your life miserable. These will be a lot - both in official positions, and samonaznachennih. Tolerate them if you can't avoid them, but once you get rid of them, forget about them immediately. First of all try not to tell stories about the unfair treatment that you have suffered; shun it, no matter how sympathetic your audience. Stories of this kind prolong the existence of your opponents: it is very likely they expect you wordy and let us know about your experience to others. By itself, no individual should not exercise at the wrong (or even in equity). One to one relationship does not justify the effort is valuable only echo. This is the main principle of any of the oppressor, sponsored whether it is a state, or guided own self. Why chase or stop the echo, don't let the event, no matter how unpleasant or significant it may be, take much more time than it took him to occur.
What your enemies, acquires its value or importance, because, as you react to it all. Therefore, speeding through or past them as if they were yellow, not red. Do not stay on them mentally or verbally; do not be proud that you forgive or forget them, at worst, the first step is to forget. This can prevent the cells of your brain from the junk excitation; so perhaps you can even save these fools of themselves, for the prospect to be forgotten shorter prospects to be forgiven. Change the channel: you can't stop the broadcasting of this network, but you can at least reduce its rating. This decision would not like the angels, but it will certainly make an impact on the demons, and currently this is the most important.
Here I better stop. I'll be glad, if you consider what I said, useful. If not, it will show that you are prepared for the future is much better than one would expect from people your age. That, I believe, is also a ground for joy - not to worry. In any case - well you are prepared or not, I wish you luck, because ahead you have not holidays, and you need luck. However, I think you can handle it.
I'm not a Gypsy; I can't predict your future, but to the naked eye can see that in your favor says a lot. First, you were born, that in itself is half the battle, and you live in a democracy - this house halfway between a nightmare and a utopia - that can repair fewer obstacles to the individual than its alternatives.
Finally, you got a degree at the University of Michigan, the best, in my opinion, the University of the country, at least because sixteen years ago it has provided a much-needed opportunity to lazy man on earth, who also spoke English - your humble servant. I taught here eight years; the language in which I come to you, I learned here; some of my former colleagues still serve other retired, and still others are interred in the earth Ann arbor, which now go you. It is clear that this place has for me extreme sentimental value; and as many it will mean in ten years for you. To this extent I can predict your future; in this respect, I know that you will not get lost or, more accurately, you will succeed. For the feeling of a warm waves rolling on you in ten years at the mention of the city, will mean no matter lucky you or not, - that as a human being you have held. That's the kind of speha in the future and I wish you first of all. The rest depends on luck, and is of less value."
Speech at the stadium
Author: Joseph Brodsky
Source: Internet resource
"Life is a game with many rules, but without the referee. We learn how to play it, rather watching her, rather than coping in a book, including the Holy Scriptures. It is therefore not surprising that so many people play fair, so few win, so many lose.
In any case, if this place is the University of Michigan, Ann arbor, Michigan, that I remember, one can safely assume that you, its graduates, even fewer are familiar with the Scripture, than those who was sitting at the stands, say, sixteen years ago, when I dared to tread on this field for the first time.
For my eyes, ears and nose, and this place still Ann arbor; it is blue - or seems to be blue - as Ann arbor; it smells like Ann arbor (though I must admit that in the air now less of marijuana than it did before, and this for a moment plunges into embarrassed by their old annarbortsa). Thus, it looks Ann Arborom, where I spent part of my life - the best of, I think, of where sixteen years ago, your predecessors knew almost nothing about the Bible.
When I think of my colleagues as I am aware of what is happening with the University's educational programs throughout the country, when I am aware of the pressure that the so-called modern world has on the people, I feel nostalgic for those who were sitting in your chairs dozen or so years ago, because some of them at least could quote the ten commandments, and some even remember the names of the seven deadly sins. But stewardship of these precious knowledge and subsequently how succeeded in the game, I have no idea. I can only hope that eventually people richer, if he follows the rules and taboos, established someone completely inaccessible to touch, and not only criminal code.
As you likely early to summarize and because prosperity and a decent environment - something that you seem to strive, to you it wouldn't hurt to learn these commandments and the list of sins. A total of seventeen, and some of them overlap. Of course, you can argue that they belong to a creed, with a significant tradition of violence. All the same, if we talk about beliefs, this seems to be the most tolerant; she deserves your consideration if only because that has spawned a society in which you have a right to question or deny it all value.
But I'm not here to extol the virtues of a particular faith or philosophy, and I don't get pleasure, as, probably, many of the opportunities subjected modern education system, or you, the alleged victims. First, I don't think of you as such. Secondly, in certain areas of your knowledge immeasurably more than I or any member of my generation. I see you as a group of young rationally selfish shower on the eve of the very long journey. I shudder at the thought of his length and ask myself than I could be useful to you. Whether I know something about life that could help you or have meaning to you, and if I know something, is there a way to pass this information to you?
The answer to the first question, I think, «Yes» - not so much because of the person of my age are supposed to be more crafty than any of you in chess existence, but because it is likely tired from the mass of things to which you only want. (One this fatigue is something that the young should be warned as the concomitant precincts and their complete success, and their destruction; this kind of knowledge can increase the pleasure from the first, and brighten up the latter.) Regarding the second issue, I, to tell the truth, in a quandary. An example of the above commandments may be confused about any naputstvuyuschego speaker, for they themselves were the ten commandments commencement speech, literally - zapovedaniem. But between generations there is a transparent wall, the iron curtain irony, if you will, visible through the veil, do not transmit almost no experience. In the best case, separate councils.
So consider what you are about to hear, just as tips tops of several of the iceberg, so to say, not to mount Sinai. I don't Moses, you're also not the old Testament Jews; these are some random sketches, scrawled in a yellow Notepad somewhere in California, not tablets. Ignore them, if you like, put them to a question if you want, forget them, if otherwise may not: there is nothing in them mandatory. If some of them now or in the future is useful to you, I'll be happy. If not, my anger will overtake you.
1. And now and in the future I think is reasonable to concentrate on the accuracy of your language. Try to broaden your vocabulary and to treat it just as you treat your Bank account. Give him a lot of attention and try to increase their dividends. The goal here is not to help you and your eloquence in the bedroom or professional success - although subsequently possible and it is - and is not to turn you into a secular clever. The goal is to give you the opportunity to Express themselves as much as possible and accurately; in short, the goal is your balance. For accumulation nevigovorennogo, undisclosed potentialities properly can lead to neurosis. Every day in the soul of man is changing a lot, but a way of expressing often remains the same. The ability to speak behind the experience. This adversely affects the psyche. Feelings, shades, thoughts that remain anonymous, neproiznesennimi and not content priblizitelnostyu wording accumulate within the individual, and can lead to psychological explosion or breakdown. To avoid this, do not necessarily turn into a book worm. You just buy a dictionary and read it every day, and sometimes - and the book of poems. Dictionaries, however, are of primary importance. A lot of them around; some attached magnifier. They are cheap enough, but even the most expensive among them (equipped with a magnifying glass) cost much less than one visit to a psychiatrist. If you're going to visit a psychiatrist, treat the symptoms of the vocabulary of alcoholism.
2. And now and in the future try to be kind to his parents. If this sounds too much like «Honour thy father and thy mother,» well. I only want to say: try not to revolt against them, for, in all probability, they will die before you, so that you can save yourself at least from this source of guilt, if not grief. If you need to rebel, buntuyte against those who are not so easily vulnerable. Parents too close to the target (as, however, as brothers, sisters, wives or husbands); the distance is such that you cannot miss. Rebellion against parents, with all its I-not-take-do-you-not-penny essentially extremely bourgeois thing, because it gives buntovschiku greatest satisfaction, in this case, for the satisfaction of spiritual, given by the conviction. The later you stand on this path, the later you will become a spiritual bourgeois; that is, the longer you will remain skeptical, doubtful, intellectually dissatisfied, the better for you. On the other hand, of course, this event not-take-no-penny has practical implications because your parents likely will all that they have, you and the lucky rebel eventually will get all - in other words, rebellion is a very effective form of savings. Although the percentage of unprofitable; and I would say, leads to bankruptcy.
3. Try not to rely too much on the politicians - not so much because they neumni or dishonest, as often happens, but due to the scale of their work that is too large for even the best among them, - on one or another political party, doctrine, or their projects. They can at best reduce the social evil, but not eliminate it. What would any significant improvement from the ethical point of view, it will always be negligible, because there is always at least one person who will not benefit from this improvement. The world is imperfect; Golden age never was and never will be. The only thing that will happen with the world, he will be more, i.e. crowded, not increasing in size. No matter how fair the man whom you choose, or promises to divide the pie, it will not increase in size; portions will certainly become smaller. In light of this - or rather in the dark - you must rely on your own homemade Fudge, i.e. rule the world by yourself - at least that part, which is available to you and is within your reach. However, by doing so, you also must prepare for the sorrowful realization that even your own pie is not enough; you must prepare for the fact that you likely have to enjoy equally and gratitude and frustration. Here the most difficult lesson for assimilation is not to lose your zeal in the kitchen, for, having made this cake at least once, you create a lot of expectations. Ask yourself the forces whether you are such a trouble-free delivery of cakes, or are you more count on politicians? Whatever the outcome of this introspection - can the world rely on your cakes? - begin now insist that all these corporations, banks, schools, laboratories, or where you will work, and whose premises are heated and guarded by the police around the clock, let homeless people on the night, but now, when winter.
4. Try not to stand out, try to be modest. Now we have too much, and very soon will be many more. This is scrambling for a place under the sun necessarily occur at the expense of others, who will not climb. What you have to step on someone's foot, does not mean that you have to stand on their shoulders.Besides, everything that you will see from this point - the human sea plus those, who like you took a similar position - an important, but very unreliable: those who are called rich and famous. Actually, there's always something unpleasant to be more happy you like, especially when these similar billions. It should be added that the rich and famous in our days, too, the crowd and that there very closely. So, if you want to become rich or famous, or both, in a good hour, but do not give it altogether. Craving for something that has someone else, means the loss of their own uniqueness; on the other hand, it is, of course, stimulates mass production. But, since you live life once, it would be wise to avoid the most obvious cliches, including gift editions. The consciousness of self-exclusiveness, keep in mind, also undermines your uniqueness, not to mention the fact that it narrows your sense of reality to what has already been achieved. Pushed among those who, given their income and appearance, is - at least theoretically - unlimited potential, much better than membership in any club. Try to be more like them than those who are nothing like them; try to wear gray. Mimicry is the protection of individuality, not abandoning it. I'd advise you to also speak softly, but I'm afraid you'll think that I have gone too far. However, remember that next to you and is always someone that is: the middle. No one asks you to love him, but try not to disturb him too and do not hurt him; try to attack him on his feet carefully, and, if it happens that you will want his wife, remember at least that is evidence of a lack of your imagination, your unbelief in the endless possibilities of life, or their ignorance. At worst, try to remember what far - from the stars, from the depths of the universe, perhaps, with its opposite end has come, please do not do this, as well as the idea of " love thy friend as thyself. Apparently, the stars know more about the force of gravity, and also of loneliness than you; for they are the eyes of desire.
5. To avoid to attribute the status of the victim. From all parts of the body most vigilantly monitor your index finger, because he wants to convict. Pointing the finger is the sign of the victim - as opposed raised in the sign of Victoria middle him and index fingers he is a synonym of surrender. No matter how ugly your position, try not to blame the external forces: history, state authorities, race, parents, phase of the moon, childhood, late planting pot and so on. The menu is extensive and boring, and its vastness and boredom quite offensive to restore mind to use it. At the moment, when you lay the blame on something, you undermine your own determination to change something; you can even argued that is athirst of conviction finger torn so furiously, because this determination was not hard enough. Finally, the status of the victim is not deprived of its appeal. He sympathy, confers honours, and whole countries and continents luxuriate in the gloom mental discounts, doctrines or as a victim consciousness. There is a whole culture of the victim, stretching from personal advocates to international loans. Despite the declared aim of this system, the net result of its activities is the deliberate reduction expectations when pitiful advantage is perceived or declares major achievement. Of course, this terapevtichno and, given the dearth of world resources, perhaps even hygienic, so for lack of a better material can be satisfied with this - but try to resist. Whatever comprehensive and undeniable nor was evidence of your loss, deny it, as long as your mind when you, as long as your lips they can say «no». In General, try to be respectful of life not only for her beauty but for her difficulties. They are part of the game, and the fact that they are not tricked. Whenever you're desperate or on the verge of despair, when you're in trouble or difficulty, remember: it's life speaks with you on the unity given her well known language. In other words, try to be a little mazohistami: without the taste of masochism meaning of life is incomplete. If you somehow help, try to remember that human dignity is the notion of absolute, not bartering in marriage; that it is incompatible with special requests that it keeps on denying the obvious. If you find this argument somewhat reckless, think, at least that, considering himself a victim, you only increase the vacuum irresponsibility, who are so fond fill out demons and demagogues, for the paralyzed will - not the joy of the angels.
6. A world in which you are going to join, has a good reputation. He better geographical, rather than from a historical point of view; it is still much better visually, rather than social. This is not a nice place, you'll soon find, and I doubt that it will become much more pleasant by the time you leave it. However, this is the only world, available: there is no alternative, and if they did, there is no guarantee that it would be much better than this. Outside is a jungle and desert, slippery slope, swamp, etc. - literally - but, worse, and metaphorically. However, as Robert frost: «the Best solution is always thoroughly». And he also said, however, in another poem that «to live in society, to forgive». A few remarks about this matter passing through I'd like to finish.
Try not to pay attention to those who try to make your life miserable. These will be a lot - both in official positions, and samonaznachennih. Tolerate them if you can't avoid them, but once you get rid of them, forget about them immediately. First of all try not to tell stories about the unfair treatment that you have suffered; shun it, no matter how sympathetic your audience. Stories of this kind prolong the existence of your opponents: it is very likely they expect you wordy and let us know about your experience to others. By itself, no individual should not exercise at the wrong (or even in equity). One to one relationship does not justify the effort is valuable only echo. This is the main principle of any of the oppressor, sponsored whether it is a state, or guided own self. Why chase or stop the echo, don't let the event, no matter how unpleasant or significant it may be, take much more time than it took him to occur.
What your enemies, acquires its value or importance, because, as you react to it all. Therefore, speeding through or past them as if they were yellow, not red. Do not stay on them mentally or verbally; do not be proud that you forgive or forget them, at worst, the first step is to forget. This can prevent the cells of your brain from the junk excitation; so perhaps you can even save these fools of themselves, for the prospect to be forgotten shorter prospects to be forgiven. Change the channel: you can't stop the broadcasting of this network, but you can at least reduce its rating. This decision would not like the angels, but it will certainly make an impact on the demons, and currently this is the most important.
Here I better stop. I'll be glad, if you consider what I said, useful. If not, it will show that you are prepared for the future is much better than one would expect from people your age. That, I believe, is also a ground for joy - not to worry. In any case - well you are prepared or not, I wish you luck, because ahead you have not holidays, and you need luck. However, I think you can handle it.
I'm not a Gypsy; I can't predict your future, but to the naked eye can see that in your favor says a lot. First, you were born, that in itself is half the battle, and you live in a democracy - this house halfway between a nightmare and a utopia - that can repair fewer obstacles to the individual than its alternatives.
Finally, you got a degree at the University of Michigan, the best, in my opinion, the University of the country, at least because sixteen years ago it has provided a much-needed opportunity to lazy man on earth, who also spoke English - your humble servant. I taught here eight years; the language in which I come to you, I learned here; some of my former colleagues still serve other retired, and still others are interred in the earth Ann arbor, which now go you. It is clear that this place has for me extreme sentimental value; and as many it will mean in ten years for you. To this extent I can predict your future; in this respect, I know that you will not get lost or, more accurately, you will succeed. For the feeling of a warm waves rolling on you in ten years at the mention of the city, will mean no matter lucky you or not, - that as a human being you have held. That's the kind of speha in the future and I wish you first of all. The rest depends on luck, and is of less value."
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